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Leadership First Founder & Inspirational Leader 

Amazon Best Sellers
Women & Business | Women Spirituality


As a leader, it is so important to create an environment where every team member feels valued and appreciated. When you lift those around you with genuine encouragement, you help them tap into their true potential. “Leadership First: 20 Must-Read Articles on Leadership” offers some great insights that will allow you to:


-Understand why appreciation is such a critical variable in helping your organization become successful.


-Keep a check on your own mental well-being and understand how it impacts your leadership style.


-Build strong, lasting friendships with your team members.


-Create a welcoming workplace that everyone is excited to be a part of and more.


Leadership can often be a challenging journey where the weight of responsibilities and the demands of others can become overwhelming. Yet, amidst these trials, each day presents opportunities to influence others positively and foster growth in yourself and those around you.


When you are a leader, you have the influence to lead people to greatness or lead them to despair. This book will help you find the inspiration within so you can plant seeds of hope in the hearts of your team, learn how to use communication to lead and inspire change successfully and, most notably, awaken a sense of expectation inside of you and the people you lead.

Each chapter in this book will help you find the inspiration within to become the leader you were destined to develop into. As John Quincy Adams puts it, “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”


The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team To Believe In The Impossible, was written to help all leaders successfully navigate all the disruptions in today's fiercely competitive world. We need a new generation of leaders who care deeply for their team's well-being and understand that their people are the heart of their leadership.


Whether you are the leader of a large, medium or small organization, a Teacher, a V.P., CEO, a Father, a Mother, a Police Officer, or a Hustler, this book was written to help you inspire your team to believe in the impossible. Each chapter in this book will push you to become the leader you were destined to be: a leader of influence, a leader of value, a leader of vision and most importantly, an inspirational leader.

About Gifford Thomas

As the founder of Leadership First and the author of the Amazon Bestseller Leadership First, 20 Must Read Articles On Leadership, Unlock the Hidden Leader: Become the Leader You Were Destined to Be and The Inspirational Leader: Inspire Your Team to Believe in the Impossible, I bring over 15 years of experience in leadership development. My passion lies in empowering leaders to cultivate extraordinary organizations that ignite inspiration and motivate their people to achieve their fullest potential.

Leadership First is a dynamic platform that inspires over 6.5M+ leaders daily, sharing powerful leadership quotes and articles from the world’s foremost thought leaders. As a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, a council member with GLG, and an advisor for visasQ Inc., I am deeply committed to empowering leaders to navigate the challenges of today’s competitive landscape. My passion lies in inspiring every leader to become the very best version of themselves.

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