Nobody ever said that being a leader is easy. It’s very simple to bark out orders and dismiss someone if they are not performing, but it takes work to coach, mentor, inspire, and motivate your team to perform at their optimum best. That’s the fundamental difference between a leader and a manager; you must be willing to pay the price of leadership if you want the perks of leadership, according to John Maxwell.
Most firms attract and retain the best talent available, and in many instances, the turnover rate in many of these companies are close to zero because they develop, maintain, and retain a great culture over the life of the company that allows their team to become the very best version of themselves.
Great companies implement strategies to generate a high level of employee engagement. This means engaged employees actually care about their work and their company. They don’t work just for a salary or just for the next promotion but work on behalf of the organization’s goals and have a strong belief in its purpose.
As a leader, create a culture where your people are inspired to create great ideas, where the dreamers are encouraged to dream big dreams. Live your purpose by serving others and continually inspire your team to lift the organization to a higher level of performance.