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The Myth Of The Complete Leader

Some people think a leader should have a complete set of skills, characteristics, and abilities to handle any problem, challenge, or opportunity. However, great leaders aren’t know-it-alls who continuously try to outshine everyone.

This myth of the “complete leader” can cause stress and frustration for leaders and their teams while damaging the organization’s reputation over time. It’s time to end this myth, and according to Deborah Ancona et al., the sooner leaders stop trying to be all things to all people, the better off their organizations will be.

No one person could stay on top of everything. But the myth of the complete leader (and the attendant fear of appearing incompetent) makes many executives try to do just that, exhausting themselves and damaging their organizations in the process.

They believe leaders should have all the answers, someone with superhero powers who should try to be everything to everyone, but these “so-called Leaders” often get burned out and lash out aggressively when things don’t go as expected.

Great leaders aren’t know-it-alls who continuously try to outshine everyone. It’s not about being the smartest person in the room. It’s about building a team with the most intelligent people. You become an inspirational leader when you have the humility to build a team with people more intelligent than you.

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5 comentários

Christina David
Christina David
22 de jul. de 2023

It takes humility on the part of the leader to admit that the strength of the team depends on the skill sets and talents of the team that are better and thereby complementary to the leader! Thus building a strong and effective team!!

United we stand, divided we fall!


Markus `Fransen
21 de jul. de 2023

Exactly!! 🔥 You thrive as a leader when you have trouble keeping up with the speed and progress of your teams. The combined force of a balanced team of opposite individuals can do magic.

Gifford Thomas
Gifford Thomas
21 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thanks for sharing.


Cherie Lewis
21 de jul. de 2023

I always want people on my team who

are smarter than me. They bring the best value to the team.

Gifford Thomas
Gifford Thomas
21 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thanks for sharing.

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