Genuine leaders are uncomfortable with people working at their company without any self-development. In fact, they focus on cultivating their team’s potential and encouraging them to become leaders themselves. The most influential businesses today encourage every employee to take on leadership roles because one of your first responsibilities as a leader is to help every member of your team become a leader.
True leaders inspire and empower others to take on new challenges, develop their skills, and find their own unique voices. By creating more leaders, they develop a culture of growth and progress that benefits everyone involved. If you are comfortable with people in your organization coming to work every day, doing the same mundane task for 5, 10, or 15 years with no self-development, you are not a leader; you are an average manager at best. What separates the good from the greats is their ability to build a leadership culture that cultivates great leaders throughout their organization.
It’s not about maintaining followers; it’s all about cultivating and developing a new generation of great leaders who are inspired and motivated to make a difference in the lives of people they are entrusted to serve.
Check out our new Amazon Best Seller, “Unlock The Hidden Leader, Become The Leader You Were Destined To Be,” by simply clicking the link below.