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Writer's pictureGifford Thomas

5 Key Leadership Traits To Help You Become A Great Leader

After arriving at the office at 8:30 a.m., I was dragged into a 1-2-1 meeting with a very distressed colleague who wanted to speak to me immediately at 8:35. She was the Test Manager, and this was a new role for her. However, having been the Test Manager myself previously, I was sure that whatever the issue, we would be able to deal with it. As we sat down in the room, the Test Manager looked at me and said, “I have a lump in my breast; I think it’s cancer, and I don’t know what to do,” and then burst into tears. After freezing for a couple of seconds, I tried my best to comfort her, indicating that everything would be all right.  

After reading this story from Gordon Tredgold’s article "7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Leader," it touched my inner core because I have heard on many occasions so-called leaders telling their employees, "Work is work; I don’t care about your personal issues. Work is work!" Amazing!

When someone feels comfortable sharing sensitive and personal information, it truly reflects the leader's ability to foster a trusting environment where everyone can be themselves at work. This is the essence of leadership; it's a journey that requires courage and heart. Each person has the potential to lead and the mentality to do so, yet many might shy away from it, finding it easier to manage than to truly lead. Here are 5 key leadership traits to help you become a great leader.

Building Trust

Leaders foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing both their professional aspirations and personal challenges. As Jeff Yurcisin, president of Zulily, wisely points out, “The best thing any leader can do to earn trust is facilitating transparency." By nurturing open and honest conversations about career paths and genuinely listening to personal concerns, leaders play a vital role in building strong, trusting relationships with their team.  

 Continual Development

Unlike the typical approach of managers, true leaders take the time to nurture each employee as a unique individual, earning their trust and respect. They truly understand and care about their team members’ needs. By valuing their input and engaging in meaningful, personal conversations, leaders show their team just how much they matter.

 They inspire confidence in their team. 

Leaders clearly and concisely communicate their message to inspire those around them to greater heights of achievement. Richard Branson identifies the ability to inspire as the single most critical leadership skill. The ability to infuse energy, passion, commitment, and connection to an organization’s mission and direction is essential in any growing company. When people are filled with inspiration, they often don’t need external motivation to move forward. The feeling of purpose and meaning is enough to propel them to greatness. 

 Leading by Example

 As a leader, you have a wonderful opportunity to inspire those around you! To grow into an exceptional leader, it’s so important to set a positive tone and truly lead by example. When leaders don’t “practice what they preach,” it can make it challenging for a team to work together harmoniously. After all, how can anyone trust a leader who speaks one way but acts another? Leading by example is truly the most powerful form of leadership. Great leaders show the way for others to follow, creating an inspiring path for everyone!


To truly inspire your team to perform at their very best, it’s essential to understand their perspectives and show them the respect they truly deserve. This respect shines through in the service they provide to customers. By embracing empathy, you can foster an environment where everyone thrives. Today, the most vital skill for leaders is empathy, and as Lolly Daskal wisely points out, the best leaders are those who demonstrate this quality.

Strive to be the kind of leader who inspires others to follow you willingly, even without a title. Becoming one of the greats in leadership requires strong character and a steadfast commitment to doing the right thing at the right time and for the right reasons. Fortunately, according to Tredgold, it was just a lump and nothing too serious, but it's truly uplifting to see leaders fostering a work environment where everyone feels free to be themselves and shine at their best.


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